Britt Davis Vice President of Institutional Advancement (716) 829-7556 davisb@dyu.edu

Kate Bedard Director of Advancement Services, Prospect Research, and Capital Campaigns (716) 829-8485 bedardk@dyc.edu

Ryan J. DiNunzio Assistant Vice President for Advancement (716) 829-8458 dinunzir@dyu.edu

Dan Innes Director of Digital Communications & Media (716) 829-7874 innesd@dyc.edu

Lauren Innes Director of Communications & Marketing (716) 829-7705 innesl@dyc.edu

Jeff Matthews Chief Marketing Officer (716) 829-8456 matthewj@dyc.edu

Reneé Orr Director of Alumni Engagement (716) 829-7805 orrr@dyc.edu

Danielle Walenka Director of Annual Giving (716) 829-8115 walenkad@dyc.edu