Alumni Association Board of Directors

The purpose of the Alumni Association is to inspire all current and future D'Youville alumni to develop a lifelong relationship with the University and one another.

The objectives of the Alumni Association Board are to: (1) uphold the mission of D'Youville; (2) promote loyalty and support among alumni to the University; (3) recognize and honor alumni successes and accomplishments; and (4) foster alumni and student interaction.

Alumni Board Application


President Andrew Belden ’07, ’10, ’20 , ’22
Vice-President Johnny Qiu ‘19
Recording Secretary Andrea Panzuto Cudney ’18

Event Co-Chairs

John Bellassai ’99, ‘05  
Katelyn Buck Violanti ‘18

Alumni Awards Co-Chairs

Kathleen Rooney Colombo ‘69
Stephen Tyrpak ’14

Student Engagement Co-Chair

Shannon Stappenbeck ’21

Alumni Weekend Chair

Kayla Deth ’14
Kristen Dennis Obarka ‘04

Board Members

  • Fr. Denning Achidi ‘14
  • Janice Blake ‘93
  • Carla Ciraco ‘22
  • Catherine Gazda ’22
  • Lisa Hauss ’88, ‘11
  • John Kofmehl ’07, ’10
  • Marc Krzystek ‘11
  • Qinones McFarland ’10
  • Ashley O'Leary '21
  • Luciana Payne ’13, ’16
  • Monica Perez '09, '11
  • Kaitlyn Reinhardt '18
  • Elise Rhodes ’88, ‘95
  • Karla Rodriguez ’16, ’19
  • Michelle Swygert Seay ’98, ’21
  • Monique LaTrice Skinner ’08
  • Lara N. Smith ’14
  • John D. Stewart ‘19
  • Monica Viggiani ’15
  • Dorette Sugg Welk ‘71

Student Representative

  • Michel Gerges

Board Membership

Alumni Association Board Member Position Description
A member of the Board of Directors may serve a three (3) year term of office. Members of the Board of Directors may serve no more than two (2) consecutive full terms of office. Selection to the board will be determined, in part, thru demonstrated interest and commitment to the activities of the College. The board elects new members at its May meeting. In accepting the three-year appointment, the person agrees to fulfill the requirements and meet the responsibilities associated with board membership. These are not limited to, but include:
1. Attend and participate in all scheduled board meetings.
2. Serve actively on alumni board committees as appointed by the president of the association.
3. Actively participate in alumni sponsored events organized by the Alumni Association.

For any questions, please call Kate Hammer, director of alumni and community engagement, at 716-829-7805. 

Alumni Board Application